Global Funds Exchange AD is an investment intermediary, licensed by the Financial Supervision Commission of Bulgaria. The company has a license No RG-03-0220 and is present in the register of FSC of investment firms.
The activity of Global Funds Exchange AD falls under the scope of Directive 2014/65/EC – MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive), which regulates all aspects of the proposed investment and ancillary services by investment firms in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA).
MiFID is a European Union law that provides harmonized regulation for investment services in the Member States of EU. The main objectives of the Directive are to increase competition and improve consumer protection in investment services.
According to its license, Global Funds Exchange AD is entitled to conclude deals with all types of financial instruments on behalf of clients; to receive and transmits orders for transactions with financial instruments, to provide investment advices, portfolio management and to offer a number of ancillary services (custody services, advice on capital structure, industrial strategy, investment researches, financial analysis, etc.).
Global Funds Exchange AD’s license allows to the investment firm to offer to its clients investment services in all Member States of the European Union and European Economic Area, benefiting from the free provision of services (ie. Single passport) observing all MiFID rules.
Supervision of the activities of Global Funds Exchange AD is carried out by the Financial Supervision Commission of Bulgaria.
Global Funds Exchange AD is obliged to comply with the requirements of all applicable EU Regulations for internal organization, compliance function, standards for fair treatment and providing information to clients, record keeping, etc.
Current MiFID license for acting as an investment intermediary in the European Union, obligation and ability to comply with series of European directives, regulation and supervision by state institutions – all these facts are the guarantee that Global Funds Exchange AD applies high standards in the provision of investment services delivered by experienced and professionally trained staff for best client servicing.